Over the next three years the collaborative team of Drs. Kingstedt, Chang Spear and Berke (USU) will investigate the role of size effects on ductility measurements. Each team member will leverage their expertise in experiments, modeling, microfabrication, and high-temperature experimentation to identify best practices for scaling measurements made on micro-scale thickness specimens to the macroscale.

The Kingstedt research group expands by adding two new members, PhD student Mohammed Elamin and MS student Jack Varga. Mohammed received his M.S. at the University of Akron completing a thesis dedicating to investigating the impact response of composite panels under cryogenic conditions. His early work in the group will focus on drop tower experiments […]

Congratulations to undergraduate researchers Ronaldo Herrera and Tanner Snow for being selected for the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) for the Fall semester! Ronaldo’s project will focus on investigating de-noising, segmentation and thresholding approaches applied to x-ray tomographs. Tanner will investigate the dynamic behavior of surrogate bone material subjected to drop tower loading with high speed imaging.

Dr. Kingstedt presented the work of Nathan and former Caltech mentee, Moriah Bischann at the SEM annual conference. Nathan and Moriah investigated the role of texture on the dynamic response of thermo-mechanically processed light-weight Magnesium alloy AZ31B using strain rate jump experiments on the split-Hopkinson pressure bar.

Formerly an undergraduate researcher within the group Raphael will be transitioning to the M.S. portion of the B.S./M.S. program. The B.S./M.S. program is reserved for top students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

One of the first hurdles to overcome on the path to completing the PhD program is the PhD qualifying exam. This written exam, spans multiple fields of solid mechanics testing student’s knowledge of engineering theory and practice. Roger has passed the qualifying exam on his first attempt! Well done Roger!

The Kingstedt lab was selected for funding by the University of Utah Office of the Vice President for Research to develop new SEM-based grid method techniques for full-field deformation studies. The approach will leverage a JOEL 5910LV SEM recently acquired in collaboration with Dr. Czabaj of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. Kingstedt presented two presentations within the Extreme Environments track. The first talk presented a deformation mechanisms approach to thermo-mechanical coupling in light-weight Mg alloy, AZ31B. The second talk, showed the different strain localization processes which take place prior to failure in shear dominated deformation around a through hole defect in AZ31B.

Roger Beal, a student supported by the U.S. Air Force STEM+M program joins the research group to pursue a PhD focused on investigating the fatigue life behavior of additively manufacture Ti64.

Undergraduate researchers Raphael Chanut and Eric Bellan have been selected to be a participant in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). Raphael will utilize electron backscatter diffraction to investigate the post-deformation microstructure of Mg Alloy AZ31B with a specific focus on deformation twinning. Eric’s project will result in the creation of a miniature Omni-magnet for […]

Hadi Mirmohammad becomes the newest member to join the research group. Hadi joins group having recently completed his B.S. at the University of Tehran in Mechanical Engineering. Hadi’s work will focus on the development of SEM-based experimental techniques to study mechanism activity during deformation.

At the annual conference of the Society of Experimental Mechanics, Dr. Kingstedt and his PhD advisor Dr. John Lambros (UIUC) received the M. Hetenyi award for the best research paper published in Experimental Mechanics. In their paper titled “Ultra-high speed imaging of laser-induced spallation”, images are captured at 200 million frames per second capturing the […]